
Most children in our education program have vulnerable parents whom LRI supports to improve their lives. They are mostly teen and single mothers who have limited sources of income. They need a place to keep their children safe where they get food and shelter while the parents hunt for jobs. To encounter this challenge, LRI started an ECD where these parents leave children and they (children) can benefit from early childhood education, cultural basics, child protection, care, hygiene, good feeding. Monday through Saturday, the sounds of laughter and excitement can be heard as our staff teach in a pre-school setting, share love, and provide a nutritious meal. All children receive regular multi-vitamins to aid their growth. The impact of these educational and nutritional meals affects the rest of their lives in countless positive ways.


The organization undertakes activities on issues related to mental health, sexual reproductive health and gender based issues and drug abuse for both sexes. The program assists young people in understanding the fundamentals of their bodies, understanding sexual health and fighting gender based abuse. Sports and leisure activities have been identified by LRI as a good channel to deliver messages to young people about their health, encourage behavior change, improve life skills, and thereby allow them to make informed life decisions as well as increase school retention.

Sports and Leisure

Sports and Leisure are not only a basis for physical fitness and healthy living, but it captures the interest of people the world over and cuts across all ages. It is this unique ability to engage people and bring them together that makes them a perfect channel to voice up health concerns. Sports and leisure will be used as a platform where health concerns such as gender based violence, drug abuse, mental health and sexual reproductive health can be addressed. Teams learn to work together, pray together and play together. Above all, it is a chance to grow in skill and character.


Tailoring and sewing
This project teaches beneficiaries specifically " teen mothers and single mothers" basic tailoring skills for a period of 6 to 12 months. They learn machine work, pattern drafting and cutting, fashion illustrations and practical sewing. After which they are awarded certificates. The beneficiaries are helped to get tool-kits to start their own business in groups or as individuals.

Hairdressing and cosmetology project
The project runs for a period of 6 to 12 months with the beneficiaries learning both hair dressing skills and cosmetology. These skills include plaiting, weaving styling and makeup. The students thereafter do two months internship and awarded a certificate. With these skills, they are assured jobs in the hair parlors and they still are able to start up their own mobile salons at the convenience of their clients..

Bee keeping
Beekeeping has been identified as an economic activity for the vulnerable because in addition to requiring little land, the government of Rwanda has allowed beekeepers to use government forests to carry out their trade. Another reason for opting beekeeping is because its multipurpose including its contribution to improving the environment, access to an environmentally friendly and healthy product, more precisely honey, wax and propolis which are very useful to people.

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